
…party foods, finger foods and little stuff you eat before the big stuff

Tomato Swiss Slab Pie with fresh dill

Tomato Swiss Slab Pie

What makes a juicy ripe tomato even better? How about a cheesy, buttery flaky crust underneath with the bright, fresh flavor of dill! Serve this Tomato Swiss Slab Pie in small wedges as an appetizer, or in bigger wedges as a side dish. Perfect alongside a salad for a light, meatless meal.

Tomato Swiss Slab Pie ...keep reading »

Scratch-Made Fire & Ice Pickled Peppers

Scratch-Made Fire & Ice (Dilled) Pickled Peppers

Many of us have made traditional “fire and ice” pickles using store-bought dill pickles. Our twist is a fast way to use those summer peppers that seem to come from every which way all at once … no processing, just refrigerate, eat and share. This recipe doesn’t require exact amounts, so you can make brine and use any amount of peppers (or other vegetables) you have.

Scratch-Made Fire & Ice (Dilled) Pickled Peppers ...keep reading »

Collard Sandwiches

ahhh Collard Sandwiches… North Carolina culinary Heritage at its finest!

Collard Sandwiches have a long history here in North Carolina. They are so tasty, feature some of our finest foods… and you will be the belle of the ball when you take to potlucks or serve at your own gatherings. Just MAKE SOME. It doesn’t get much easier. Sit some out and watch ’em disappear

ahhh Collard Sandwiches… North Carolina culinary Heritage at its finest! ...keep reading »

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