My Italian yankee-now-Floridian culinary girlfriend recently posted her make-ahead turkey gravy recipe that’s genius! Elise is actually one of my “Substitute Teachers” you’ll be hearing from once I can get my e-zine up and rolling… soon I’m hopin!
So many folks stress over gravy, and it’s not that hard to do. Since I just don’t have time today to put it all into a printable version, I’m just gonna point you to her post I shared on my Wendy’s Home Economics! faceboook page. I shared a post from her culinary community, Foodfanataholics! where she did extensive pictures to show you along the way what things should look like… with step by step instructions in the comment of each picture. Maybe one of these days, I’ll get it posted here for you to quickly print out, but for now… do come see her gravy post on my FB page! Just look at this wondermous stuff…
Ring the dinner bell and grab a ladle. It’s gravy time boys and girls!!!