I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall ever meeting a deviled egg I didn’t like, like these Reuben Deviled Eggs. I’m not particularly fond of the white part… and either eat just the part of that holding the deviled part… or just the deviled itself! It’s a texture thing for me… egg whites remind me of jello, which I cannot and do not eat! Although I do love a good farm fresh boiled egg with shakers of salt and pepper. Go figure.
This is a “throw cook’n” recipe. One where I cannot give you exact measurements because I simply throw stuff in to make it taste good.
Being that it’s almost St. Patrick’s Day, and I did cook a corned beef this weekend in my crock pot, I enjoy it in a lot of ways… and have had this one in my head for a while. I will also point you to a recipe I threw together long ago, with horrible pics before I had a clue about food styling or photography. This is a really tasty Cream of Reuben Soup... another way to use that corned beef. Some Honey Dilled Pickled Mustard Seeds would be tasty dolloped on these eggs too!
Another St. Patrick’s Day dish is my version of colcannon… “Southern Colcannon.” It was actually published in Our State Magazine years ago when I was house chef there… it’s a realllll good side dish for not only corned beef, but just about anything! What’s not to love about greens (my cabbards or cabbage) and good ole North Carolina Sweetpotatoes? (Did you know sweetpotatoes is one word?)
St. Patrick’s Day is also a pretty momentous day for me too… as it is my Quit Smoking Anniversary! I think this marks year 15 for me… my motivation? My new little nephew when he was born, who is now SIXTEEN! He was born in September, and I didn’t want him growing up smelling me and my house… nor seeing me smoking so he would think that was OK!
If you have tried to quit or want to… if I can quit after 26 years… You Can TOO!
It’s not easy. It’s HARD. But find your motivator and do it… read my story above… and just do it!
Till next time… (recipe below)
Reuben Deviled Eggs
Sliced boiled eggs in half and put yolks in bowl.
Add a bit of thousand island dressing (or mayo) and minced dill pickles.
Add some Bavarian Sauerkraut (seasoned and has caraway seeds!)
Stir in a little bit of coarse ground mustard… salt and pepper.
Mix together and fill egg whites.
Scatter with some minced corned beef and fresh chopped dill.
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Food propping/styling and photography (copyrighted) by Wendy Perry.
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