Can you start and operate a food business from your home kitchen in North Carolina?

Why yes, you can. BUT… within certain parameters.  
I have been asked this question so many times… and guided folks to resources to learn what you can and cannot do, and how to go about it.  Read all about it here!  And see how to take your garden’s bounty or food creations to market.
I have been blessed to be a part of Carolina Country Magazine for 7+ years now as Contributing Recipe Editor where I have created 200ish recipes.  Occasionally I’ll pitch an idea for a story and have had opportunities to share culinary adventures in their pages.  This is a pitch from well over a year ago… as covid had been and was changing everything.  Although I was already working on Aunt Dee Dee’s Kitchen before then, I imagine quite a few new home business ideas and ventures started “cooking” during these days when folks were shut-ins in their own homes, including food ideas folks had been sitting on.  A few little health glitches had me put Aunt Dee Dee’s Kitchen on the back burner for a spell, but she’s back! 
In the July 2023 issue, read how you can legally use your home kitchen to launch and make your own culinary visions. However, not all things can be done in a home kitchen. And not all home kitchens can be permitted here in North Carolina. (I have no idea about any other states.) I’ll start by saying if you have an indoor pet, or a pet that comes inside if only occasionally, your kitchen cannot be permitted.  Such is the case for me. My kitchen was and is my “laboratory” when creating and perfecting new seasonings, but I am permitted for packaging my goodies in another location.  In this article, you will see what your options are for pet owners. 
I invite you to take a read, and hope you enjoy.  There are many resources available (see the article) and I have listed below also.  Should you need consulting services to get started, feel free to reach out to me via my web page at Aunt Dee Dee’s Kitchen!
Due to this being a pre-holiday week, my online store will open July 7th.  


Be sure you are subscribed to my Table Scraps newsletter to get notification of store opening, recipes, culinary adventures, musings and more!
Enjoy strolling thru my blog here too!  I hope to see you soon shopping in my online pantry!  (Don’t miss links below to come join the fun in my social media communities.)

Aunt Dee Dee
(aka Wendy!)

P.S.  Not a member of a North Carolina Electric CoOperative and don’t get Carolina Country Magazine?  Just CLICK HERE where you can subscribe for $12 a year!
Where else can you get any subscription for $1 an issue?

“Where do I start?”

North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Additional Resources:
North Carolina State University Extension

Resources for Home Based Foods

Got To Be NC Program

An incredible site… for producers to become a member, and for consumers to find products, farms and more!

North Carolina Specialty Foods Association (NCSFA)

An association that markets NC made foods and related products and businesses. 

Credentials @ LinkedIn


Find me on social media:
Wendy’s HOME EConomics! Page on FB    @culinaryadventuristwendy on IG
Aunt Dee Dee’s Kitchen Page on FB      

@auntdeedeeskitchen on IG

Be sure to visit (and share) my online stores:
Aunt Dee Dee’s Kitchen …my unique seasonings, kitchen doodads & more!
Rada Knives and Kitchen Tools  USA made budget-friendly cutlery (great for gifting)
Watkins 1868 Store. Did your mama and grandma buy from “the Watkins Man?” The best vanilla…


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