Home Ec 101 about to commence!

wheedoggies1Welcome one and all to my *NeW* blog!  This has been on the back burner for a year now, so I can check at least one thing off my 2011 (overfloweth)Bucket List ’cause it’s finally up front and cook’n!  I hope you will ‘follow’ my blog and sign up to get notifications over there. In case you’re confused, the top box is blog subscription and Table Scraps is my newsletter subscription… you can sign up for either or both!

I have some fun stuff on my plate to spoon onto yours in class and I surely do hope you’ll comment and give me suggestions for what you’d like to see here too.  Sometimes there might be a little sassy garnished with some classy.  Expect the unexpected sometimes too!  And if you get a giggle now and then, goal accomplished…

If there are any closet writers or “home ec-y” types out there who would like to be a Substitute Teacher here sometime, I’d love to hear from you… just click up top ↑ and send me a note.  I especially invite you crafty types to contribute (particularly considering I didn’t do so well in school when it came to ‘clothing and textiles’ projects).  So find your seat here in my classroom and get comfy, the bell is about to ring for first period!

{and p.s., when you see a post worth share’n on your facebook page
(and other places too),
I’d be much obliged if you’d click ‘like’ down there  and ‘share’ buttons too}

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