Teacher’s Credentials

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A quirky kinda gal, a little sassy yet classy on occasion, Southern Belle to the core born and raised in Zebulon, North Carolina… still firmly planted there BUT… slowly relocating to the Crystal Coast of North Carolina!

… a gal who knows life is short and wants to enjoy the ride and share it with anybody who wants to come along, and even with those who don’t! My bucket list is long and I have a lot of culinary adventures ahead and a lot of experience to share!

A God fear’n single gal, sister, aunt (“Dee Dee”) to the joy of my life Wyatt (a ‘tween going on 30!), girlfriend, Marketing Home Economist, and ECU Pirate who has always thought HOME EC is k.e.w.l. and needs a resurrection… and is on a mission to do just that!  It’s revival time ~ Hallelujah…
sit down and pass the plate… ’cause class is about to commence.


Do hop over to my extensive resume on my LinkedIn profile!

nothing is pleasant that is not spiced with variety
….francis bacon

I invite you to come over next door to the Teacher’s Office for my list of professional services that may benefit your company!

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