Substitute Teachers
Are you a seasoned writer/blogger or closet writer who would like to hold class now and again here at Wendy’s HOME Economics!? If so,
Do Tell! Slip me a note …(this is one time it’s OK to pass notes in class) and let me know what makes you tick and what you’re just dying to see on the chalkboard here. I love to let my ‘students’ do a little “Show & Tell”… share a new recipe you threw together (especially nekkid ones)
… a fun up-cycled something or the other or would like to showcase something you’ve revived from the junk pile… a tip or home remedy you think others will find helpful…. just any old thing. Not all ideas are guaranteed to be accepted, but most will be, so start throwing this way… short and sweet works too!
Here are our current Substitute Teachers you’ll be seeing holding “class” here!

Elise Feiner is a food blogger and has a large Facebook food group called
She was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in Long Island, Staten Island, and lived in New Hartford New York with her husband Marc an OB/GYN. She was a registered nurse who went on to medical school and stayed home to raise her 4 children. She then opened an event planning, gift basket, invitation business that she ran for years.
She and her husband are now in the Orlando area. Her son Jeffrey is a Plastic Surgeon doing breast reconstruction in Orlando, her son Steven and his wife JoAnna are attorneys in Utica, NY, her son David is an Orthopedic surgeon in Clermont, FL along with his wife Courtney and their son Julian (the apple of her eye) and her daughter Lauren has her MBA in business and is an executive in a travel company.
When her oldest son was in medical school, they needed a fundraising project and to raise money, she wrote a cookbook called Cooking with Love to chronicle her family’s culinary history. This began her journey into the food and recipe world. She had a blog called Foodfanataholics for years but now just posts on her Facebook page. She is in the process of revitalizing her blog. She does recipe development; she is a Speaker, Food Industry consultant, and gives cooking demonstrations.
Her real interest is in preserving old recipes and family recipes, which she calls her brand of Aroma Therapy. She maintains an extensive cookbook and recipe collection and is constantly helping people locate old family recipes.
She has taught cooking for years and her proudest accomplishments are the number of young cooks she has taught the love of cooking.

She gets letters of thanks all the time and many of them post their accomplishments on her food page.
Her next project is a family cookbook project and she has a new page on Facebook called Write a Family Cookbook!
Her house is like a bed and breakfast, you never know who will show up at the table (the joys of living near Disney.) Two of her sons and her grandson live within 15 minutes, and she is busy babysitting, cooking and baking with her daughter-in-law Courtney and entertaining a houseful of people. There is always a pizza party lakeside on the weekend…

Barbara Sartain
Zebulon, NC
“Be fearless when creating you artistic path . . . explore all the possibilities.”
Barbara is a native of Raleigh, NC now living and working in Eastern Wake County. She’s a self-taught mixed media and fiber artist that
loves to create colorful and whimsical art.
Her pen and ink Doodles have been published in several North Light Instructional books and most recently a special issue of Cloth Paper Scissors “Zen Doodle Workshop”. Barbara not only enjoys creating art but also loves to share and teach what she’s has learned.

Our FIRST Fella Bloggers!
Meet Allen White… tennis player extraordinaire,
who pens life’s happenstances!
My name is Allen White and I was born 3/9/1955 or so I’m told. I was very young at the time. I spent my first fourteen years living at the mouth of Roach Holler in Y&O Coal Camp, which is about half a mile east of Van in the middle of Boone County, West Virginia. Van is actually on some maps; Y&O Coal Camp? Not a chance.

I moved to Zebulon, North Carolina in April of 1969, so I guess that makes me a Wild & Wonderful Tar Heelbilly. Being somewhat athletic, I played baseball, football, and basketball my first two years of high school, but dropped basketball my junior year as I was the first one to discover that white guys can’t jump. I did, however, dunk a volleyball before practice one winter evening. Unfortunately, there were no witnesses.
In baseball, I pitched every single game for the first three years of Zebulon High School (70-73) during my sophomore, junior, and senior years. I achieved success and accolades on personal level in baseball, but it means very little when your team doesn’t win many games, and we sure as hell didn’t win many games.
I also played a little recreational tennis on the side because I really enjoyed being solely responsible for the outcome. In tennis (singles), there are no teammates to blame for losing. The results are entirely your very own cross to bear. I play mostly doubles now because I really need that fall guy.
I was the quarterback on the football team my freshman, sophomore, and junior years, but elected not to play my senior year for myriad reasons. I chose instead to chase weed, wine, women, and drugs (and not necessarily in that order) for the next ten years. Ten long, long years.
Surprised that someone would have me, I fell in love in the summer of 1982 and got married in June of 1983. I was only twenty-eight when I went in and I served twenty years, plus two days in that hallowed institution. (I say it that way merely to get a laugh; I hope you’re laughing.) My ex-wife and I have two wonderful children, Jameson and Taylor, who mean the world to me.
As you can imagine, much happened inside those twenty years and two days.
I started college (for the 3rd time) at Nash Community College in January of 1992, transferred to NC State after two years, and graduated with honors (Outstanding Future Educator) in December of 1996. No kidding! I got a plaque and everything. I had to stand up there on the stage for a few minutes while the Dean of the College of Education told numerous lies about me. They were good lies, though, so I didn’t bother to correct her.
For the next twenty years, I taught middle school language arts and social studies and coached football and baseball in Wake and Franklin counties, but the vast majority of that time was at Bunn Middle School.
One can learn a lot by teaching.
I retired from teaching at the end of February 2016 with 22 years of service. Two of those years were as a teacher assistant at Zebulon Middle School while I attended night classes at Nash CC, if you’re trying to do the math. I don’t do math. I can’t even count to 21 unless I’m in the shower.
In 2010, while trying to rehab a knee injury, I fell in love with tennis all over again and I’ve been on the court every single day possible since then, even more so now that I’m retired.
Presently, I coach the men’s and women’s tennis teams at Bunn High School and I offer private lessons to individuals and groups as well. Three times each year, I conduct tennis camps for the Zebulon Parks & Recreation Department. I also play on a 55- and over 6.5 Combo Doubles team out of Cary and we have won the state championship in Wilmington two of the past three years. There is a group of 10-15 guys who meet three or four times per week at Whitley Park in Zebulon to play tennis. We have a Facebook page – Zebulon Old Farts Tennis Tour – and I’ve been blogging there for seven years, though I never thought of it as blogging.
Have I mentioned that I love tennis?
If I have any writing ability, which I seriously doubt at times, it’s a God-given talent. Thank you, Lord. I would be remiss, however, not to mention Mrs. Emma Jean Pippin and Mrs. Bessie Smith who were my English teachers in high school. Both of these wonderful teachers saw something in me that I certainly never saw in myself and they encouraged me to write.
Somehow, they were able to get through the fog and other impediments of a most distracted mind.
I was probably ADHD patient zero and just didn’t know it.
I guess I should say that I am also a published author. An excerpt of a true story that I wrote appeared in Hardball Magazine, but the whole story developed over the course of twenty years (and still counting). The whole story is yet to be published, but I have faith that it will be one day. All I can say about the story, Phantom of the Bullpen, and the main character, Max Mangum, a 65 year-old with a 95 mph fastball, is that if I hadn’t met him and noticed the great story that was happening all around me, I would never have become a teacher and coach and I certainly wouldn’t be here now trying to convince you that I am a credible writer and how it would be to your benefit to read my blog.
How many folks do you know who can write a grammatically correct, well-balanced, very informative, 81-word sentence like that?Okay. Okay. That many? Well, then. How many of them are named Allen White?

Meet Hayes Lindsay…
Farmer Hayes grew up on a small farm in Wildwood, GA, outside of Chattanooga. He moved to Missoula,MT and received degrees in Political Science and a Bachelor of Fine Art in ceramics.He worked as a shepherd in
MT, on a ranch in Rand, CO and as an IT director for Nevada Outdoor School in Winnemucca. Following his lifelong passion for growing things, he moved back to the family farm in Pine Ridge (Zebulon), NC. In partnership with his mother, Greta, and his uncle Mark, they have transformed part of the farm into fruit and vegetable production using regenerative and organic practices. He also raises pastured chickens using local, certified organic

Zebulon, NC
Sherri Tant Barham is a North Carolina native. She and her husband of 27years, Billy, live in Zebulon, NC. She takes great joy in working with people in their homes. She has worked with many individuals and families over the last 25 years through her
career in decorating and organizing transforming houses to homes. Her passion is to be a part of the transformation process in peoples lives and see the freedom and joy that it brings to others. She is a graduate of the Art Institute of Atlanta with a degree in Interior Design and has studied graphic design, architectural technologies, floral design and social media management. She brings much experience and knowledge into homes from her background in home decor showroom management. She loves to take existing family treasures, hear the history and stories, and repurpose them in creative ways. Her desire is to help people create inviting, beautiful homes with style, that function well inside and out.
She believes that our environment and infrastructure in our homes and workplace affects every part of who we are and how we function. She believes it has impact in our lives, others lives, and future generations.